Negin Saffron 1 gram
In our range we offer the jewel of jewels, especially the Negin saffron. This exclusive, carefully selected saffron threads are long, thick and red in colour. The threads find their origins in Iran where they are grown honestly and with care. Magic with a a little bit of saffron a hint of colour a lovely scent and a wonderful taste to dishes.
Saffron is mainly known for the taste, smell and color it gives to both sweet and savory dishes.
As the most expensive spice in the world, saffron is also called 'red gold'. This is because saffron is hand-picked from the three pistils of the saffron crocus. A flower that only blooms for one week per year and for 1 gram of saffron, more than 150 flowers are needed.
The taste of saffron can be described as earthy with a bitter accent. Because of the intense character of this spice, a thread or two is enough to color dishes beautifully red and give an intense warm taste.
In addition to the delicious aromas that this spice releases, it also has medicinal properties. For example, saffron has a pain-relieving effect on many conditions, it could alleviate depression and stimulate immunity. In short, a spice with a whole range of benefits.
Furthermore, the red gold is offered in different price ranges depending on the origin and quality. For our assortment we chose Neginsaffraan. This is one of the most expensive saffron in the world given the excellent quality and taste. The saffron threads are long, thick and red and originate from Iran. The country par excellence with more than 90% of the world production.
Through direct cooperation with our farmers we can guarantee honestly grown saffron of the highest quality. A true delight for the taste buds!

Une passion pour la bonne cuisine… mais pas le temps de cuisiner longuement ? Histoire de nos vies !
Tous les produits de notre boutique en ligne sont le reflet de ce que nous trouvons important dans notre cuisine et sur notre table à manger. Nous voulons non seulement que nos repas soient savoureux, mais aussi sains. C'est pourquoi nous avons recherché des herbes pures, sans colorants ni conservateurs, fraîchement moulues à partir de leur forme solide. Et parce que nous aimons expérimenter et créer des plats à notre goût, nous proposons également des herbes en vrac. Vous trouverez également de l'huile d'argan et d'olive pures, du safran et d'autres incontournables.