Culinary Argan Oil 100 ml
Culinary argan oil is one of the healthiest, most nutritious oils available.
Moroccan Spicy Secrets offers 100% pure argan oil that is cold pressed from the fruits of the argan trees in Agadir. This special oil naturally contains many useful substances including antioxidants and essential fatty acids that are important for supporting a healthy body. Culinary argan oil can help prevent cardiovascular diseases, reduce the risk of diabetes and significantly lower cholesterol. This miracle oil offers many more benefits and is therefore not called liquid gold for nothing!
Moroccan Spicy Secrets offers 100% pure argan oil that is produced honestly and with care by a small, quality farmer in Agadir. For production, the argan fruits are first roasted, which gives the oil a typical nutty flavor. Delicious as a dressing for salads, but also to take pasta, rice, couscous or many dishes to a higher level.
Do not use argan oil for frying, because many vitamins and minerals are lost when heated. So use argan oil sooner after cooking as a flavouring for your dish.
Our oil is gluten and lactose free and certified by the international organizations ECOCERT and USDA. It is normal for sediment to be visible at the bottom of the bottle.
Une passion pour la bonne cuisine… mais pas le temps de cuisiner longuement ? Histoire de nos vies !
Tous les produits de notre boutique en ligne sont le reflet de ce que nous trouvons important dans notre cuisine et sur notre table à manger. Nous voulons non seulement que nos repas soient savoureux, mais aussi sains. C'est pourquoi nous avons recherché des herbes pures, sans colorants ni conservateurs, fraîchement moulues à partir de leur forme solide. Et parce que nous aimons expérimenter et créer des plats à notre goût, nous proposons également des herbes en vrac. Vous trouverez également de l'huile d'argan et d'olive pures, du safran et d'autres incontournables.